Friday, May 06, 2005

a new camcorder

Have been researching for over a month now for a decent digital camcorder. I wish there were a website for digital camcorders as there is for Digital cameras. I wanted to have a side by side comparision of a few cameras with the actual image shown so that I can decide by myself.

The problem with most sites which tend to do a "comparision" is that there is a huge amount of inconsitency! One site would show a Sony as number 5 and the other would show is as the numero uno!!! I can handle a little margin of error; but geez...

I finally picked as the one I could trust (for no obvious reasons) and then started researching. I realized that the rankings were based on about 15 features and I wasn't concerned with most! I chose a few that made sense to me and based on that, I chose the Canon ZR300 as the "chosen one"!

No one seemed to match the prices I saw online and since it was almost $50 difference, I decided to buy it from . It's a great site and can be compared to when it comes to buying digital cameras/camcorders.

No shipping, no tax, and wohoo! the purchase was finally made today from Royal Oak. Now we wait...
Posted by Hello